Saturday, August 1, 2020
to Saturday, August 22, 2020
New Presque Isle Lighthouse Park and 1905 Keeper's House
New Presque Isle Lighthouse Park and 1905 Keeper's House
Vicki Wright

In celebration of the Presque Isle Lights and Keeper’s House anniversaries, the Presque Isle Township Museum Society is hosting a photo contest. Send us your best photos and help us celebrate the beauty and history of these special places. Winning photos will be featured on our webpage and social media. For more information and rules:

 New Presque Isle Lighthouse and Park and 1905 Keeper's House

Submission: August 1 – 22

 Submit photos to

  • Images MUST be a minimum of 1200 pixels wide.
  • Submissions must include the following information: photographer's name, title/subject, and year the photo was taken.

Presque Isle Lighthouses, Presque Isle, MI 49777